Marketing Budget Configurator
As a leader, navigating the complex landscape of industry dynamics, growth goals, and market competitiveness is crucial.
We created this tool to provide tailored answers that align with your context and business objectives.
- Total budget
- How much that represents in terms of percentage of your organization’s revenue
- How much that represents in terms of percentage of Contribution Income (revenue less direct material costs).
It will also provide you with budget recommendations related to:
- Internal marketing team
- External support/agency
- Allocation in activities related to media and sponsorships
Marketing Budget Configurator
Additional Resources
The results generated by this online Marketing Budget Configurator are for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. They are intended to provide quick estimates based on the input provided by the user. We take no obligation for the accuracy or completeness of the results. 6P assumes no liability for erroneous outcomes derived from this configurator. For accurate and personalized advice, we recommend consulting with 6P Marketing Inc.
The results generated by this online Marketing Budget Configurator are for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. They are intended to provide quick estimates based on the input provided by the user. We take no obligation for the accuracy or completeness of the results. 6P assumes no liability for erroneous outcomes derived from this configurator.
Your information is confidential
The insights generated are exclusively yours, empowering you to make informed decisions to steer your business towards a success trajectory. Data is only for illustration purposes, so you can define your best path forward. 6P reserves the right to save input data but will not resell or repurpose data for any other use than to support you.
For the most accurate and personalized advice, we recommend consulting with 6P Marketing Inc. for a proper assessment of your organization’s current situation and unique needs.