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Marketing Budget Configurator

As a leader, how do you set marketing budgets that help achieve business goals?

How to allocate your budget across internal and external support?

Tailor your choices to gain insights tailored to your unique business landscape

As a leader, navigating the complex landscape of industry dynamics, growth goals, and market competitiveness is crucial. We created this tool to provide tailored answers that align precisely with your context and business objectives.

Our configurator tool will provide you with a sound starting point. You can calculate:

  • Total budget
  • How much that represents in terms of percentage of your organization’s revenue
  • How much that represents in terms of percentage of annual gross income (AGI)

It will also provide you with budget recommendations related to:

  • Internal marketing team
  • External support/agency
  • Allocation in activities related to media and sponsorships

Marketing Budget Configurator

Additional Resources

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