Rebranding Eastside Group of Companies

The Challenge:
Founded in 1978, the Eastside Group of Companies slowly evolved over time to include several divisions by the time 6P was first approached to help with branding: Eastside Collision Repairs, Eastside Heavy Truck Collision, and Eastside Industrial Coatings and Composites.
All three brands resided on a single website, and all three had different, disconnected logos and target audiences. Eastside executives realized this branding scenario was far from ideal, so 6P was engaged to address this concern.
The 6P Solution:
Aside from realizing all three logos needed to change—and a fourth, Eastside Group of Companies, warranted a logo as the parent entity—in-depth interviews were conducted for each of the divisions. Following this exercise, marketing plans for all three brands were created. Each was treated individually to maximize target audience engagement, but all three shared certain elements of consistency that were also purposefully leveraged.
When it came time to rethink the website strategy, the decision was made to create distinct sites for each of the three brands and to establish an overarching Eastside Group of Companies website that would link to all others while demonstrating both visually and textually that these brands were interconnected. In concert with this branding evolution, professional photoshoots were facilitated, and high-quality corporate profiles were produced and printed for the heavy truck and industrial divisions.
The Outcome:
This rebranding exercise has worked well for Eastside, and the company continues to rely on 6P for multiple aspects of its overall marketing program. For example, we continue to make website enhancements, design and produce printed materials, and provide Eastside with branded images to post across its social media channels.
Most recently, 6P was asked to integrate Moray Collision & Glass into the portfolio following its acquisition. The same was needed when Eastside established Zone Refinish. For both entities, separate websites were again created, but each one makes clear its connection to the Eastside Group of Companies.